Introduce a new level of customization

Generate millions of unique digital gift cards with a single click.

Custom rules and limits
Advanced targeting
Updates on the fly
Secure transmission

Manage Suppliers

We designed our solution to write specific rules for each and every Supplier.

Different purchase price for each supplier
Track the voucher start from initial stage till dispatch
Simple, coding-free installation
Easy redemption tracking

Leverage built-in customer management

Ground your promotional schedule in a real-time event stream

Track customer purchases, personal attributes, and their activity on your website/app
Understand users and events with the flexible segmentation
Let the promotion engine send the right offers to the right segment at the right time

Products Management

Combine multiple customers' shopping attributes to offer personalized deals at the right time

Order Amount
Purchase History
customize selling price for each customer

Our discount management software supports dozens of business rules available both in the API and the marketer dashboard.

Performance reports

Analyze every aspect of campaign performance, including customer and order details. See how many redemptions were successful in a specific timeframe.

Timeline of redemptions per single coupon, campaign. user, or global
Failed redemptions with detailed reason
Date wise supplier report
Date wise customer report

Designed to meet your online business needs

Powerful functionality right out of the box. See for yourself.

Discount codes

Easily create discount codes to encourage customers to buy more. Discounts can be offered at flat or percentage rates and include settings for expiration, maximum uses, and more.

Full shopping cart

Allow your customers to purchase multiple downloads at once using the shopping cart system. With minimum page loads and cleanly designed cart elements, the shopping cart feels seamless.

Unlimited file downloads

There are no limitations when it comes to distributing your digital products. Allow customers to download their purchased files endlessly or restrict file downloads by time and/or attempt.

File access control

All product files are restricted to authorized customers only. No configurations is required. You may also set the file download limit and download link expiration.

Customer account page

Through the use of a single shortcode, output an entire purchase history table that is only viewable by logged in customers. Unauthorized users will not have access.

Download activity tracking

Monitor all there is to know about how your product files are being downloaded by your customers. Easily track date, time, and even IP address of all purchased and downloaded files.


Developers and external applications can take advantage of a complete RESTful API that provides easy access to sales and product information in either JSON or XML format.

Full shopping cart

Allow your customers to purchase multiple downloads at once using the shopping cart system. With minimum page loads and cleanly designed cart elements, the shopping cart feels seamless.